The best way for kids to learn a language

We connect kids studying a foreign language with pen pals - native speakers their own age - for conversation practice.

30 minutes is all it takes

Students chat for 15 minutes in one language then 15 minutes in the other. All while being guided by team leads and curated prompts.

30 minutes is all it takes

Students converse for 15 minutes in the foreign language they are studying. Then switch to 15 minutes in their native language to support their partner’s growth. All while being guided by team leads and curated prompts.

Learn faster

Improve pronunciation, listening comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary with regular conversation with a native speaker.

Cultivate empathy and curiosity through exposure to other cultures and ways of life. Boost self-confidence and foster friendship through peer-to-peer support.

Grow curiosity

A program tailored to your classroom’s needs

Teachers know best. So we built a program with maximum flexibility.

Choose when Lingo Pals sessions occur: during class or after school as homework or extra credit. Select partner schools based on specific accents. Invite parents to join the calls or keep them student only. Increase the frequency or the duration of sessions.

How It Works

  • Questionnaire

    Answer a quick questionnaire so we can learn more about your classroom’s needs. In some cases, a language test may be required.

  • Introductory Call

    Our partnerships team will set up an introductory call. To keep Lingo Pals safe and fun, our team vets every application.

  • Match Day

    Your students will be matched with native speakers their age. Our team will facilitate regular check ins to track progress.

It’s safe

We partner with schools, teachers, and parents to vet every application.

It’s fun

Kids make lasting friendships, learn jokes in a new language, and grow their curiosity.

It’s digital

Regular conversation practice with a native speaker right from home.